Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I'm Breaking Up With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and The Bookish.

This weeks topic is books habits you want to quit or books you want to quit. I decided to make a list of book series that I have to let go of because things are just not working out between us.

This was my very first Faerie book, and it was also the 
book made me realize that Faerie books just aren't for me, sadly.

The Archived (hopefully a trilogy - Schwab's other series) is actually one of my favorite books. After finishing both books in the duology, I realized that I needed some more Victoria Schwab in my life so I decided to read the Near Witch (even though I already knew from previous experiences that witch books are not my thing), even though I was disappointed by this one I will definitely be reading and anticipating some of her other work. 

Apparently, a lot of people enjoyed this book (series). I just wasn't one of those people. Honestly, I don't have anything nice to say so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut (or my pen still? erm?)

I actually enjoyed the first 200 pages of this. I just felt like 550 pages was WAY too much even though I don't usually mind long books. But I am excited to dive into the Percy Jackson series.

This book wasn't able to hold my attention for more than 
5-minutes at a time, so I didn't even bother to rate this one. 

I read this book at the age of 14. Since I haven't gotten to the rest of the books by now it means I'll most likely never get to it. Unless I decide to reread book one cause I remember really enjoying it.
Maybe one day? 

I read the first two books (City of Bones and City of Ashes). 
I feel like I might continue with the series one day, but today is just not the day.

I gave the first book, Obsidian, 5-stars but after starting Onyx (book two), I felt like the characters were so obnoxious. I couldn't get more than 25% into it. 

I used to be so in love with the PLL show, that I decided to read the first book, but the writing style and the characters were all too cheesy for my taste. I still love the show but after 5-wasted years of my life I was just like "JUST TELL US WHO THE FU*K IS A!!!!!"

And that concludes my list. 


  1. Thanks for sharing, Andie.

  2. God, I wish I could give up on series. I have this insane obsession with finishing them, even if I know it's not going to end well. I've gotten up to book 12 (I think!) in the Pretty Little Liars series, and I've nearly cried with exasperation throughout the last three of them. It's so irritating, but I'm in too deep to stop now!

    1. I just can not do that, not even with books. Even if I'm on chapter one and things aren't going well for me, I'll put a book down.

  3. I had to DNF Obsidian. It was giving me MAJOR Twilight flashbacks, and I was not feeling that. I enjoyed the PLL show better than the books as well. The books were my guilty pleasure for a while, but after book 11 I threw in the towel. I also haven't watched the previous 2 seasons of the show. I might catch up on it one of these days, but yeah, I'm kind of bored with it as well.

    1. The PLL ending was alright. I'd say it was satisfactory for me. If you haven't been spoiled already then you seriously should. Especially if you need closure.

  4. I liked The Heroes of Olympus series but I loved the Percy Jackson series so much more!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/06/top-ten-tuesday-25/
